The miraculous little seed of youth

The Red Kidney Bean; Skin Benefits

The Miraculous Little Seed of Youth: The Red Kidney Bean.

We all know the benefits of eating beans and legumes – from being an excellent source of plant-based protein, to helping reduce blood sugar levels and being a great source of fiber. They also happen to be rich in various minerals, vitamins, fibers, antioxidants, and other unique plant compounds. Some cultures still use beans to predict the future, believing in the spiritual powers of the bean seeds.

But have you ever wondered how this little bean could benefit your skin?

Our Antidote has harnessed the power of the red kidney bean, a tough little seed that can survive and thrive in even the harshest of environments. Harnessing the power of the red kidney bean, Antidote No1 provides the skin with a protective dermal shield.

Our Antidote No1 combines our unique patented ingredient T-Mero-Protect® with carefully selected natural active ingredients. Proven to minimise signs of ageing and rejuvenate the skin’s complexion in just 28 days.

Our unique ingredient has been harnessed from lectins, the proteins derived from the red kidney bean.  Énielle discovered that lectins from the red bean, under the right circumstances, could help to reduce wrinkles and significantly improve skin smoothness, moisture and elasticity. Red Bean lectins are the plants defence mechanism and are actually toxic if ingested. However, Énielle has been able to safely harness the powerful properties of the red bean’s lectins, giving skin cells the resilience, beauty and “magic” of the red kidney bean.

Beans truly are a magical fruit! To learn more about our Antidote and its magical properties, check out our post here, or to harness the power of the red bean for yourself, click here.
